1973, Point Lobos, CA
Select Solo Exhibitions
1998 | Frederick Spratt Gallery, San Jose, CA
1996 | Recast-the Image Transmuted, Frederick Spratt Gallery, San Jose, CA
1993 | The Landscape - Contemporary Romantic Realism, Bldg #310, Stanford University, CA
1993 | Water: Recent works on Canvas, Pacific Grove Art Center, Pacific Grove, CA
1985 | Selected Works, Mercy Center, Burlingame, CA
1984 | French Pastoral, Contemporary Romantic Realism, Rorick Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1983 | Realism-Its Many Forms, The Bannan Gallery, Burlingame, CA
1983 | Realism Explored - Romantic to Photo, General Electric, San Jose, CA, Curated by Chris Taylor, The San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA
1981 | A Dialogue with Realist Issues Past & Present and The Landscape Genre as a Whole, San Jose University, San Jose, CA
1979 | Ideal Realist Still Life Paintings, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
Extra Writings
Living room studio; routine – work, reflection, journaling - where is the work going, what does it need; walking my frontyard meditative path white picket fence, circling stopping changing direction. MFA 1981. Florence 1972-73 the Renaissance; cobbled streets, stone walls interior courtyards; gardens, reverence all round. Learning the craft working with the landscape, continuing this, now. Realist to Essence. Matter and Spirit mediated by Soul; Teilhard. Oil on canvas, pastel on paper; the canvas unstretched; vine charcoal, oil washes; the canvas as paper. Spanning the years the connection is the landscape the air we breathe. From my first ventures outside as a freshman in high school, drawn to embrace the landscape in watercolor to the present, one winding road; each day, excited about what is just around the bend. How do I work? It is a Ritual with a definite pace and rhythm; Heart beating, breathing, all of myself present; the white un-stretched canvas, waiting; tools and oils ready; I walk around the canvas quieting, going to a place both here and not here; creating and experiencing simultaneously; it’s always about essentials – nature, life, the Spirit; for you and me these paintings are an opportunity to reflect, contemplate, go deeper.