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The Life Abstracted C
Years ago, when Tom Brooks was sitting in stillness on the hills of Orvieto trying to capture their appearance on paper, he had his first inkling of something within what he was seeing. Yet, the concept of seeing within the landscape was then not grasped, for Brooks was keenly devoted to the academic of rendering appearance - realism. The Life Abstracted Collection is a series of paintings devoted to the elusive vision: a silent, inchoate accompaniment to the realism his academic education had taught him to recognize. In this dramatic contrast to his earlier work, these paintings set the viewer deep within the landscape: surrounded and encompassed by it, not merely observing it, coming from years of silent seeing.
For a Limited Time! Exclusive Life Abstracted Apparel
Tom Brook's artwork cannot ignore the current state in which we live. While we must continue to socially distance ourselves from one another during this unprecedented time, why not continue to make the world a more visually abstract place? I appreciate all the support of those who view my artwork and now, you too, can share in the experience of living with this Life Abstracted Face Mask.
This reusable face mask will fit you nicely thanks to its adjustable nose wire and elastic bands. Choose a design that will complement your style, as face masks are becoming the new trend.
Coming Soon!
The Landscape Collection
Hey Tom type something here…..over here buddy.
Coming Soon!
The Transitional Collection
Since Tom began his Art journey there has been a steady rhythm to his work flow. Over the years his transition work has become a collection. A series either just stops or eases into the next one. For example, his MFA work dealt with Photography and Realism. This moved him into mixed media landscape (Landscape being the continuing thread.)
See more of my work on Instagram: